September 15, 2021
Come and celebrate with your AFP-Québec colleagues
We’ve been wishing for it all summer and it will happen! At the end of the month, your Membership Committee invites you to a face-to-face networking cocktail on a heated terrace.
Evening’s program: Presentation of AFP’s fall agenda, lots of door prizes and networking like you’ve never experienced (for two years, at least!).
Don’t forget to invite a colleague! Each member may be accompanied by a non-member.
Location: 3 Brasseurs Saint-Denis, 1658 Saint-Denis Street, Montreal
Date: Thursday, September 30
Time: 5:00 to 7:00 PM
Cost: Free (members and their guest only)
Please confirm your presence before September 28 to afpadmin@afpquebec.ca.
A free drink will be offered to everyone.
Do not forget your vaccination passport! It will be requested to access the event.
Hoping to see you there!
Your Membership Committee