April 30, 2020
AFP Global : COVID-19 Resource Guide
AFP Global : Vidéo Martha Schumacher
AFP Canada : Offering Support and Guidance to Fundraisers
AFP Connect (forum for members)
Free Webinars
- **NEW** Registration Nearly a year in: How the nonprofit sector is adapting to Covid-19, February 25, 2021, 1 pm
- Registration Fundraising Strategies during COVID-19 live Thursday April 16 at 10 a.m. presented by Abbie J. von Schlegell, CFRE, FAFP, Principal, a. von schlegell & co
- Webinars to discover ways to support you and your charity through COVID-19’s impact on the charity sector brought to you by Fundraising Everywhere.
- Webinars presented by CharityHowTo to help guide the nonprofit organizations through this volatile time.
Kevin J. Foyle, CFRE, president-elect, AFP Global on COVID-19
Resources from our partners:
UMANO, in partnership with the Luc Maurice Foundation, has developed a directory for seniors in Quebec to help them get through these exceptional circumstances.
A message from PearTree Canada.
10 Fundraising Event Alternatives in Light of Coronavirus
11 Ways DonnorPerfect can help you work from home (en anglais seulement)
How to create compelling fundraising videos during the Covid-19 crisis
4 Monthly Giving Templates to support your nonprofit during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
Recorded Webinar: Getting through these uncertain times together
10 Tips on how to host an online auction as a Fundraising Event Substitute
The COVID-19 Fundraising Template Kit for Nonprofits
Atypic offers you an advice a day
Les Cliniques du vendredi
BNP Performance philanthropique :
Guide pour la reprise des activités et le retour au bureau dans le secteur philanthropique (in French)
Webinar recording Effective action facing the potential risks related coronaviruses.
Guide RH de BNP pour les employés et les employeurs
March 23 Newsletter: Staying the Course Without Giving Up
April 2 Newsletter: Tips for Arts and Culture Organizations
Impact of the COVID-19 crisis Survey
KCI: Production of a series of bulletins on the subject updated continuously
Bulletin 1 – Maintaining Momentum in Uncertain Time
Bulletin 2 – Engaging Donors Volunteers
Bulletin 3 – Virtual Interviews
Bulletin 4 – Events Strategy
BELL: a press release for Bell service users
Telus : Donation from the TELUS Friendly Future Foundation addresses public healthcare crisis and supports community needs.
Their response to COVID-19
Article Sleep hygiene to fight COVID-19
Article COVID-for the under 19
RBC: Alors que nous unissons nos efforts pour freiner la propagation de la COVID‑19, RBC veut favoriser votre sécurité et celle de votre entourage. La situation est grave, nous le savons tous. Les enfants d’âge scolaire restent à la maison. Les entreprises ferment leurs portes. Et les Canadiens se demandent, chaque matin au réveil, ce que la journée qui commence leur réserve. Vous nous faites confiance et nous sommes prêts à vous aider. RBC a mis en place des programmes d’aide financière flexibles pour ses clients (particuliers et entreprises) qui éprouvent des difficultés financières par suite de la COVID‑19. Pour tous les renseignements et les mises à jour, visitez https://www.rbc.com/covid-19-fr/index.html
From our colleagues:
Institut Mallet
**NEW** Survey #2 in French: L’impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur les dons et la philanthropie au Québec
Sondage #1 (in French): L’impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur les dons et la philanthropie au Québec
May 13 edition
Phil Communication Free webinar on April 24th at 12 p.m. regarding how to recover and then progress after the crisis.
Live Chat feature and 1 hour free consultation through April 30, 2020.
Episode : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/episodephilanthropie_conseils-philanthropie-x-covid-19-activity-6644638404720025600-_4ce
(in French) Formation Perspectives post-crise : Quelles sont les meilleures stratégies pour relancer nos activités philanthropiques? admissible à l’aide gouvernementale annoncée dans le cadre de la crise de la COVID-19
Fondation Quebec Philanthrope maintains its services and launches a special philanthropic fund for all those who would like to make a donation dedicated to the fight of COVID-19
Press Release (in French)
Article Retroussons nos manches
Espace OBNL : https://www.espaceobnl.ca/fr/news-container/obnl-et-coronavirus-covid-19-ressources-et-outils-pour-passer-a-travers
Imagine Canada
**NEW** Sector Monitor – Ongoing Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Centre de ressources pour aider le secteur pendant la crise de la COVID-19 (in French only)
Issue Alert dedicated to important policy and advocacy updates.
Document Federal Government Covid-19 Measures – Implications for Sector Organizations
PhiLab : Philanthropy and COVID-19
Cible (in French only) : Webinaire: Marque employeur en temps de crise
Comment le marketing numérique peut sauver les entreprises à l’ère de la COVID-19 ?
Communication marketing et COVID-19: comment les organisations peuvent gérer la crise?
Document on the support offered by the Government of Canada in the context of the current crisis.
Programme actions concertées pour le maintien en emploi (PACME–COVID-19)
Emergency Community Support Fund