Oct 25, 2023 | 7 pm to 9:30 pm (registration opens at 6 pm)
We invite you to an exclusive private screening followed by a panel discussion in collaboration with PhiLab.
UnCharitable is a powerful documentary exposing the dark side of philanthropy and the need for radical change in charitable practices.
It’s a first of its kind documentary film, timely & crucial, with Edward Norton, Dan Pallotta, the founders of Invisible Children, Wounded Warrior Project, Last Mile Health, Charity:Water, the heads of the Ford Foundation, TED, The Bridgespan Group, The Nature Conservancy, No Kid Hungry, One Love Foundation, YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, United Way of Greater Atlanta, and more.
During the panel discussion, we’ll look at the realities of philanthropy and discuss a new way of giving. We’ll ask questions about charities and their ability to break free from traditional constraints to truly change the world. We’ll rethink everything we know about change!
Uncharitable is for students, philanthropists, nonprofit executives, institutional funders, donors, and anyone who cares about the great causes of our time.
Sneak preview at https://uncharitablemovie.com
Kim Fuller, fondatrice et chef de la direction de Phil

Daniel H. Lanteigne, ASC, C.Dir., CFRE, CRHA, président de l’AFP Québec

Jean-Marc Fontan, co-directeur du PhiLab

Emilie Nicolas, journaliste au Devoir

Cinéplex Odéon Quartier Latin
350 Rue Émery, Montréal, QC H2X 1J1
Students in philanthropy: $20
AFP Members: $40
Non-members: $60
Additional information
The film will be in English, and the panel in both languages, depending on the speaker
UnCharitable: 7pm to 8:30 pm
Discussion panel: 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Registration includes a soft drink and popcorn combo.